Social Worker Services

Effectively what the Social Worker does at the Branch;


Case work: After receiving a referral, the Social workers are obligated to respond within 7 days. Social workers must conduct a home-visit, office interview or telephonic interview to assess and determine the need of the client. The social worker will determine the type of service needed by the client. Depending on the outcome of the assessment, the service by social worker may include (individual therapeutic and developmental services, social relief, applying for or referring to other relevant resources such as our Protective workshops, advocacy, learnerships).
Group work: The Social workers conduct different educative and supportive group work with existing clients, non-clients and youth. Supportive group work is conducted with the care-givers/parents/guardians and family members who are responsible or impacted by the care of a person with an impairment.
Community work: The social workers arrange quarterly or annual events where awareness is raised about the challenges impacting individuals with impairments.

Counselling, home visits, applications to community resources, etc. We can help with it all!